Presenting Sponsor

  • 2 Foursomes
  • 8 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 8 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Autographed guitar by LOCASH
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
  • Opportunity to speak at opening dinner
    Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Awards & Cocktail Party Sponsor

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
    Opportunity to speak at the awards ceremony
  • Autographed Guitar by LOCASH
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Shirt Sponsor

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Autographed Guitar by LOCASH
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
    Logo/Name featured on shirt
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Lunch Sponsor

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Autographed Guitar by LOCASH
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Cart Sponsor

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Autographed Guitar by LOCASH
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
    Logo/Name featured on all golf carts
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Tumbler Sponsor

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Autographed Guitar by LOCASH
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
    Logo/Name featured on tumbler
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Towel Sponsor

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
    Logo/Name featured on towels
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Cigar Sponsor

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
    Logo/Name featured on cigar
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Media Sponsor

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
    Logo/Name featured on separate banner for team photo
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Driving Range Sponsor

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
    Logo/Name featured on banner at range
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Beverage Station Sponsor (2)

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
    Logo/Name featured on bars (2)
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag

Hole Sponsor

  • 1 Foursome
  • 4 Tickets to Opening Pairings Party & Private Show
  • 4 Tickets to Awards Cocktail Party
  • Logo/Name featured on all promo materials and social media promotions
  • Hole Sponsor with Sign
    Opportunity to put item in swag bag